- 张建华教授主持召开研究生(硕士&博士)总第84次大人文交流暨2024-2025学年第一学期第3次学术交流会(2024-10-13)
- 特约评论员张建华教授在河南电视台点评社会热点话题(2024-10-13)
- 特约评论员张建华教授在河南电视台,点评市场健康有序发展的话题(2024-10-9)
- 张建华教授主持召开研究生(硕士&博士)总第83次大人文交流暨2024-2025学年第一学期第2次学术交流会(2024-9-29)
- 特约评论员张建华教授在河南电视台,点评“央行宣布:降低存量房贷利率,惠及1.5亿人口”(2024-9-28)
- 特约评论员张建华教授在河南电视台,在线点评行政主管方对违规直播电商进行处罚的话题(2024-9-27)
- 特约评论员张建华教授在河南电视台,点评对黑产的治理话题(2024-9-26)
- 特约评论员张建华教授在河南电视台,点评广受关注的处罚争议问题(2024-9-25)
- 张建华教授主持召开2024-2025学年第一学期第1次研究生(硕士&博士)学术交流会(2024-9-22)
- 特约评论员张建华教授在河南电视台,点评宠物医疗市场的健康有序发展(2024-9-15)
- 张建华教授指导的博士生温丹丹、Sherani、Hakeem与Umair等4位同学通过学位论文预答辩(2024-9-14)
- 张建华教授在河南电视台,点评新能源货车难投保的话题(2024-9-13)
- 张建华教授在郑州市发展与改革委员会,作题为《郑州创新创业人才高地建设中的营商环境优化》的专题讲座(2024-9-12)
- 张建华教授为中国邮政集团有限公司开封市分公司中层领导干部综合能力提升培训班,作题为《领导干部个人素养与业务能力提升》的专题讲座(2024-9-11)
- 郑州大学张建华教授在河南电视台,点评不良AI产品对未成年人健康成长的影响(2024-9-10)
【相关照片点击查看>>>】【Introduction to Prof. Zhang】 【查看更多活动详情>>>】
- (1)学习十九大,解析新变化
- (2)“互联网+”背景下的党建新形势与因应策略
- (3)大力发展农村电商,支撑乡村振兴战略
- (4)深化机构和行政体制改革,保障社会主义现代化事业发展
- (5)互联网+精准扶贫:让梦想照亮三农
- (6)人大代表沟通协调能力提升与个人魅力展现
- (7)领导干部人生观与价值观培育
- (8)生命哲学与领导干部的人文素质
- (9)积极提升自我,展现领导干部个人魅力
- (10)人民政协理论基础与委员履职能力提升
- (11)大国关系与中美贸易争战
- (12)领导干部个人素养与业务能力提升
- (13)培养积极心态,成就幸福人生
- (14)鉴史问廉,廉洁立身
- (15)“互联网+工会工作”:理念、机制与思路
- (16)“放管服”改革与服务型政府建设
- (17)新时代,新思想,新征程
- (18)意识形态,树魂立心
- (19)创新驱动发展,引领产业升级
- (20)管理沟通与执行力培育
- (21)创新电子商务模式,助推县域经济发展
- (22)同心同向同力精准扶贫,抓紧抓准抓实脱贫攻坚
- (23)“新常态”背景下非公经济发展
- (24)创新驱动发展,引领中原城市群产业升级
- (25)社会管理创新与服务型政府建设
- (26)扎实推进扫黑除恶,维护社会和谐稳定
- (27)融入“互联网+”计划,发展农村电商,支持乡村振兴战略
- (28)互联网+政务:践行群众路线
- (29)大国关系与国际局势
- (30)中美贸易战及其对经济发展的影响
- (31)“互联网+行政执法”:认知与思路
- (32)构建新型基层治理体系 打造扫黑除恶坚固防线
- (33)区块链技术与政法工作创新
- (34)区块链技术与社会治理创新
- (35)高校领导干部的工作方法与艺术
- (36)疫情冲击下的大国关系及其演进
- (37)统筹推进市域社会治理现代化
- (38)领导之道:吸引人才,留住人才
- (39)践行乡村振兴,决胜脱贫攻坚
- (40)后疫情时代中美战略博弈及关系走向
- (41)民主党派人士参政议政能力提升
- (42)职工心里素质与自我修养
- (43)学习民法典,争做懂法人
- (44)党建新思维与领导班子政治建设
- (45)学习党史,启迪智慧
- (46)巩固脱贫攻坚成果,推进乡村振兴战略
- (47)区块链技术与数字货币
- (48)倡树工作新风,增强业务能力
- (49)互联网+公共资源交易服务
- (50)当前经济形势与国际局势
- (51)公共危机应急决策及领导能力提升
- (52)解读《习近平用典(为政篇)》
- (53)俄乌战争及其影响与启示
- (54)学习习近平总书记讲话精神,推进应急管理体系和能力建设
- (55)国有企业公司治理与观念创新
- (56)国际局势新动向及其对中国发展的启示
- (57)创新推进新时代人大社会建设工作
- (58)学习领会党的二十大精神,推进消防安全体系和能力建设
- (59)后疫情时代国际局势与中国经济社会发展
- (60)区域经济发展与营商环境建设
- (61)全面建设社会主义现代化国家的行动纲领——二十大精神学习体会
- (62)学习贯彻党的二十大精神 领悟习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想
- (63)网络交易监管法律法规解析
- (64)乡村治理体系建设
- (65)制造业产业链供应链韧性与专精特新企业成长
- (66)加快构建新发展格局,着力推动高质量发展
- (67)领悟“两会”精神,再创出彩业绩
- (68)基层干部执政能力培养及高效能团队建设
- (69)新时期互联网+智慧党建工作
- (70)中办、国办“维护社会稳定责任制规定”解读
- (71)贯彻中央人才会议精神 建设创新创业人才高地
- (72)新质生产力与高质量发展
- (73)学习党的二十届三中全会精神
- (1)客户关系管理
- (2)绩效评价与管理
- (3)执行力:解析与培育
- (4)管理创新与领导艺术
- (5)人际关系与管理沟通
- (6)人力资源管理系列讲座
- (7)管理学演进脉络与启示
- (8)领导艺术与执行力培育
- (9)后现代管理经典流派分析
- (10)知识经济时代的激励机制
- (11)解析企业文化,重塑软实力
- (12)知识管理原理及其实施机理
- (13)构建学习型组织,培育核心竞争力
- (14)管理演进与人力资源管理的因应之变
- (15)做好职业规划,与单位协同发展
- (16)企业文化:内部培育与对外推广
- (17)企业运营智慧化:理念、思路与策略
- (18)管理创新与执行力培育
- (19)新环境下人力资源管理的因应之策
- (20)个体职业生涯规划与团队协同发展
- (21)商务沟通与谈判艺术
- (22)职业道德与职业发展
- (23)生命哲学与领导干部的人文素质
- (24)做好管理沟通,有效应对冲突
- (25)管理学精要解析
- (26)案例教学:领导干部个人素养与业务能力提升
- (27)管理沟通与执行力培育
- (28)高效团队的打造与管理
- (29)团队精神与执行力培育
- (30)领导力的培养与提升
- (31)领导与领导艺术
- (32)融入“互联网+”,践行管理创新,推动产业发展
- (33)互联网下大数据与企业创新发展
- (34)领导之道:吸引人才,留住人才
- (35)软实力:企业可持续发展之源
- (36)职工心里素质与自我修养
- (37)团队打造与执行力培育
- (38)医院团队培育与文化建设
- (39)创新:理念、思维与实践
- (40)国有企业公司治理与观念创新
- (41)领导艺术与沟通技巧
- (42)团队建设与沟通技巧
- (43)职场沟通与人际关系
- (44)做好时间管理,助力绩效提升
- (45)银行干部队伍建设与管理能力提升
- (46)干部管理沟通能力与执行力培育
- (47)领导与领导艺术:理论与实务
- (48)领导干部沟通技能与组织协调艺术
- (49)国学智慧与管理能力提升
- (50)沟通:内涵、技巧与艺术
- (51)企业品牌建设与现代经营模式
- (52)基层干部素质能力提升
- (53)高绩效团队建设与跨部门沟通
- (54)创新思维与业务创新
- (55)企业变革与创新管理
- (56)干部素养和胜任模型
- (57)互联网+大数据时代,信息技术与智慧交通建设
- (58)⼲部素质能⼒提升与执⾏⼒培育
- (1)跨境电商与E贸易
- (2)电子商务安全与管理
- (3)发制品行业电商发展之路
- (4)“互联网+”与电子商务发展
- (5)“互联网+”与农村电商发展
- (6)互联网金融,商业潜力巨大
- (7)发展电子商务,助推濮阳发展
- (8)开展电子商务,加速新安发展
- (9)农村电子商务:从理论到实务
- (10)“互联网+流通”:电子商务升级版
- (11)融合发展:促进跨境电商业态升级
- (12)电子商务及其B2B模式的演进与发展
- (13)“电子商务进农村示范县”的建设思路与启示
- (14)加快互联网金融发展,推动金融业转型升级
- (15)融入“互联网+流通”行动计划,助推农村电商发展
- (16)大力发展农村电商,支撑乡村振兴战略
- (17)创新电子商务模式,助推县域经济发展
- (18)企业电子商城的原理与实务
- (1)“互联网+”背景与内涵解析
- (2)“互联网+”及其典型应用
- (3)“互联网+”与保险业发展
- (4)“互联网+”与技术创新管理
- (5)“互联网+”与电子商务发展
- (6)“互联网+”与农村电商发展
- (7)“互联网+”与知识创新管理
- (8)“互联网+”带来的机遇挑战
- (9)“互联网+”与网络信息安全
- (10)“互联网+”与大数据
- (11)“互联网+”与商丘发展机遇
- (12)“互联网+”与驻马店发展机遇
- (13)“互联网+”背景下的流通与金融
- (14)“互联网+政务”:电子政务升级版
- (15)“互联网+金融”:机遇、挑战与策略
- (16)“互联网+创新”:理念、机理与思路
- (17)“互联网+养老”:呵护银发一族
- (18)“互联网+流通”:电子商务升级版
- (19)融入“互联网+流通”行动计划,助推农村电商发展
- (20)“互联网+教育”,智慧教育的理念、结构与策略
- (21)“互联网+农业”:让梦想照亮三农
- (22)互联网+精准扶贫:让梦想照亮三农
- (23)“互联网+科技创新”:理念、机理与思路
- (24)“互联网+”背景下的党建新形势与因应策略
- (25)实施“互联网+质量服务”,落实质量提升行动
- (26)“互联网+工会工作”:理念、机制与思路
- (27)融入“互联网+”,践行管理创新,推动产业发展
- (28)“互联网+行政执法”:认知与思路
- (29)基于“互联网+”战略,筑牢数字经济基础
- (30)互联网+公共资源交易服务
- (1)青年教师职业发展规划
- (2)智慧教育:理念、结构与策略
- (3)互联网发展与智慧教育
- (4)高校领导干部的工作方法与艺术
- (5)学校领导干部有效沟通技巧
- (6)由信息化到智慧化:教育的“器”与“道”
- (7)授课技巧:课堂表达与互动
- (8)践行课程思政,坚持立德树人
- (9)教师个人素养与业务能力提升
- (10)面向立德树人根本任务,落实义务教育课后服务
- (11)知识产权基础教育政策解读与实践提升
- (1)互联网信息安全与管理
- (2)云计算、大数据与创新发展
- (3)关注信息安全,保护隐私利益
- (4)云计算与大数据,绘制美好图景
- (5)工业信息化发展的趋势与策略
- (6)互联网发展 与 公共信息安全
- (7)大数据与人工智能
- (8)互联网基础理论及其产业发展
- (9)智能产线人机合能的路径与措施
- (10)5G时代人机合能的路径与措施
- (11)区块链技术与政法工作创新
- (12)互联网下大数据与企业创新发展
- (13)区块链技术与数字货币
- (14)欲善其事,先利其器
- (15)科技前沿展望
- (16)科技发展趋势与区域经济发展
- (1)禅意文化 及其产业开发
- (2)中原文化:企业文化之魂
- (3)解析企业文化,重塑软实力
- (4)解析中原文化,营建绮丽未来
- (5)企业文化:内部培育与对外推广
- (6)生命哲学与领导干部的人文素质
- (7)援禅入境,参悟人生
- (8)立足中原文化,传承文化自信
- (9)中国传统文化的历史传承与文化自信
- (10)国学智慧与管理能力提升
- (1)当前经济发展与投资形势刍议
- (2)当前经济发展形势分析与预测
- (3)宏观经济形势分析
- (4)经济形势分析与组织变革
- (5)新常态下中国经济发展之路
- (6)大国关系与中美贸易战
- (7)创新驱动发展,引领产业升级
- (8)创新电子商务模式,助推县域经济发展
- (9)“新常态”背景下非公经济发展
- (10)中美贸易战及其对经济发展的影响
- (11)新时代中国经济发展前景展望
- (12)基于“互联网+”战略,筑牢数字经济基础
- (13)当前房地产走势对建筑用钢的影响
- (14)当前经济形势与国际局势
- (15)我国人口结构的演变特征与因应策略
- (16)把握经济形势,提升业务素养
- (17)后疫情时代国际局势与中国经济社会发展
- (18)区域经济发展与营商环境建设
- (19)国际政经形势与双循环发展战略
- (20)当前中国经济形势解读
- (21)数字经济创新发展
- (22)新常态、经济转型与发展战略
- (23)聚焦“意见”新举措,释放民营经济新动能
- (24)金融知识基础
- (25)制造业产业链供应链韧性与专精特新企业成长
- (26)科技发展趋势与区域经济发展
- (27)加快构建新发展格局,着力推动企业高质量发展
- (28)强化金融支持举措,助力民营经济发展:新25条解析
- (29)当前宏观经济运势和金融热点
- (30)加快发展新质生产力,以科技创新推动数字经济高质量发展
- (31)投融资热点分析
- (32)新质生产力与高质量发展
- (33)创新创业人才高地建设中的营商环境优化
观 澜 速 递
Introduction to Professor Zhang
Prof. Zhang
Jianhua Zhang, male, Bachelor of Engineering and Doctor of Management from Tongji University, Shanghai, from 1995 to 2004. After graduation, he entered the former International School of Business and Management of Shanghai University. In October 2006, he was transferred to the former Department of Management Engineering of Zhengzhou University as a high-level introduction talent. In the same year, he was promoted to associate professor and promoted to professor in 2015, and promoted to the third-level professor through competition in February 2021.
He is currently a professor and doctoral tutor at Zhengzhou University, an expert in the evaluation of degree papers in the degree center of the Ministry of Education, a reviewer of Qeios and some core academic journals such as Intelligence Magazine, Computer Science, Systems Engineering Theory and Practice, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Journal of Engineering Research, Advanced in Mechanical Engineering, "Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology", International Journal of Innovation Science, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Journal of Knowledge Management,Operational Research, Kybernetes, Singapore Economic Review, PLoS One, Heliyon, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, "Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management", Applied Economics Letters and Business Process Management Journal; director of the institute of e-commerce industry cooperation and development, member of Henan Informatization Expert Advisory Committee, Henan E-commerce Association expert, invited e-commerce expert of Henan Network Marketing Association, senior consultant of e-commerce of Puyang Municipal People's Government, Henan province higher education teacher qualification examination interview expert, Henan chief science popularization specialist,special commentator of Henan TV Station, served as deputy director of the Economic Department of the Research Office of Henan Provincial People's Government.
In the aspect of postgraduate training, Professor Zhang recruits doctoral students: ① Management Science and Engineering(Technology & Innovation Management), ② Transportation (Service Management); Recruitment Master: ① Management Science and Engineering, ② Enterprise Management(E-commerce), ③ Logistics Engineering, ④ Master of Engineering Management (MEM); In addition, postdoctoral fellows or visiting scholars are welcome to join, research direction: ①Knowledge Innovation and Innovation Management, ②Knowledge Service and Knowledge Management . Welcome to join!
In terms of academic research, Professor Zhang presided over two research projects of the National Social Science Fund (one of which is studied in July 2019-December 2023), one Henan provincial government decision-making bidding project, and 1 sub-project of the 11th Five-Year National Science and Technology Support Program, 1 project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, 3 projects of Henan Provincial Education Department, 1 teaching reform project of Zhengzhou University, participated in research of 3 national natural science fund projects, 1 national 863 project, Shanghai labor and society One item of the Security Bureau project; a number of horizontal topics for cooperating with enterprises. He has published 141 papers in the fields of enterprise management, innovation management, and knowledge management. He also published an academic monograph in the Science Press ("E-Government Knowledge Management", 493,000 words), and edited the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" textbook for general higher education (Management Information System). The book won the first prize of the 2015 Zhengzhou University Excellent Teaching Materials. In addition, he participated in the preparation of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" textbook for general higher education, and a series of textbooks for power enterprise informatization ("E-Commerce Principles and Applications"). In 2015, his two papers won the first prize of outstanding achievements in educational science research and the second prize in the third excellent natural science paper of Henan Province. According to the 22 CSSCI papers published in the past ten years, in the list of “Top 100 Scholars and Social Sciences Researchers in Henan Province” published by Henan Science and Technology Periodical Research Center, Prof. Zhang has a combined ranking of 53 and is ranked 2nd in management.
In recent years, Professor Zhang has actively participated in various forms of social docking and communication. At the same time, he has designed and launched a series of lecture topics to meet the needs of the society. His teaching style and effect have been widely loved and praised by the students. Professor Zhang is the keynote speaker of a number of training institutions or centers, such as the national fitness and health system leading cadre comprehensive capacity enhancement training class, Henan provincial party committee united front work department leadership training course, and Henan Institute of Socialism, Zhengzhou University Cadre Training Center, Henan University Cadre Training Center.
Professor Zhang also actively pays attention to the hot issues of social development. In Zhengzhou TV "Weekend Face to Face", Henan Satellite TV "Focus on the Central Plains" and its "Zhongyuan midday news", Henan TV Station Minsheng Channel "Large Reference" and Zhengzhou Daily, Henan Daily, he deeply analyzed the focus of the public's concerns and received good results. Among them, the “Micro-Commerce Quest” & “Trademark Dispute” program that participated in the discussion was adopted by CCTV and broadcasted in CCTV News Live Room and Economic Information Broadcast.
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